Rusty Earns Mixed Breed Versatility Master (VM) Title!
Whew! This one took a long time to complete every event and title and a long time to put the paperwork together and to submit it to the Versatility Chairperson. We finally got it done and received the certificate a couple of days ago!
Not bad for a four year old dog that won't stop! Now we will start working on Versatility Master #2! We have a base in Obedience, but Rusty needs more time to mature before we can do more in Obedience. We have also recently started Dock Diving classes, and Rusty is already going into the pool on the low ramp. He needs more time and practice to work towards the high dock.
Thanks, as always, to Linda Reifel, for fostering Rusty in Oregon until I could adopt him from her in 2010, even though she and her husband both wanted to keep him!
An even bigger thanks go to Kitty Norwood, who is the Chairperson and designer of the Versatility program with the Mixed Breed Dog Clubs. She had the ideas from her Collie club and from other Versatility programs. She designed a very fair and well rounded program that can suit all Mixed Breeds, and encourages all the attributes that outstanding Mixed Breeds should demonstrate and show off to everyone!
Requirements for Versatility Master Title:
20 or more points in at least 7 categories 1 to 12, or a minimum 19 points in any 7 different categories 1 to 12 plus 1 point in Category X.
Rusty's Point Total
Category #1: Public Relations/Service/Education with dog
3 APDT/Cynosport Rally Awards of Excellent: 1 point
Category #3: Rally
APDT/Cynosport Levels 1, 2 and 3 Titles: 3 points
Category #5: Conformation
Mixed Breed Championship: 2 points
Category #8: Partnered Sports
Disc Dog Tournaments: 1 point
Category #9: Instinct Based Sports
AKC Coursing Ability: 1 point
AKC Coursing Ability Advanced: 1 point
AKC Coursing Ability Excellent: 2 points
UKC Coursing Ability: 1 point
Category #10: Draft Work
UKC Weight Pull: 1 point
Category #11: Soundness/Temperament Testing
Hiking: 6 points
Category X: Public Relations/Service/Education Without Dog
Weight Pull article in MB newsletter: 1 point
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